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Aug 15, 2008

Italian Tomato and Basil Soup

I know, I know! This is my last minute entry for the two events: Dhivya’s “AWED: Italian” event and Dee’s “Herb Mania – Basil” event.

I got the recipe from here. I made minor changes to the original recipe such as using milk instead of whipping cream and dry basil flakes instead of fresh basil as I don’t have them on hand. Still, it tasted so great and refreshing.

Ingredients: (Serves 1 person)
  • 2 medium tomatoes
  • 1 tsp dry sweet basil flakes (available in stores)
  • 1 tsp Olive Oil
  • ½ cup milk
  • Salt and Pepper to taste


Chop tomatoes into small pieces. In a microwave safe bowl, combine chopped tomatoes + basil flakes + oil + salt. Place the bowl in the microwave, cover and run the microwave for 5 minutes (or according to individual MW settings).

Then stir well and leave it for some time to cool. Later transfer the contents to a blender jar and blend until soft. Add a little water if needed. Finally add the milk and run the blender again just to blend them well.

Remove and transfer to a serving bowl, sprinkle black pepper powder and enjoy.

If hot soup is preferred, reheat the soup in the microwave and slurp.

Note: This soup can be prepared on stove top too. Just follow the procedure and instead of microwave use the stove to cook the tomatoes. Rest of the process is the same.


kamala said... [Reply]

Happy Independence day Uma...O love tomato soup..with basil too ..love the flavor Uma ..Nice entry

Sangeeth said... [Reply]

great soup dear....

Cham said... [Reply]

Love tomato soup :) Happy Independence Day and good entry !

Ramya Bala said... [Reply]

Happy independence day that is really a gd entry uma...Its better u used mik(u have cut off some fat...)hehee...

notyet100 said... [Reply]

nice click nd delicious soup,..:-)

Unknown said... [Reply]

Last minute or not - the entry that you sent over looks absolutely delicious - so no complaints at my end at all ;-)

Thanks for sending them over for the event.


Jayashree said... [Reply]

Love the colour that the milk has imparted to the soup.

SMN said... [Reply]

Happy Independence Day Uma soup looks delicious loved the click wth tomatoes on the side

Daily Meals said... [Reply]

Lovely soup Uma!

Laavanya said... [Reply]

Tomato and basil come together so well in this creamy soup... :)

Vaishali said... [Reply]

A simple but delicious-looking soup, Uma. The flavors of tomato and basil really are a match made in heaven, aren't they?

lubnakarim06 said... [Reply]

Happy Independence Day to u and awesome recipe dear.

Anamika:The Sugarcrafter said... [Reply]

Beautiful and nice pictures and good recipe.

Unknown said... [Reply]

Simple yet great soup Uma..I love adding basil in soup..Would love to have them with breadsticks

Anonymous said... [Reply]

That is a wonderful soup.

Meera said... [Reply]

beautiful soup & lovely color. It may also look perfect for EC's color in food event.

Unknown said... [Reply]

nice soup..love the colour!!

carmen said... [Reply]

this recipe is very nice

Indian Khana said... [Reply]

Healthy soup..nice colour..gud entry

Red Chillies said... [Reply]

last minute or not, this is a great entry and yummy soup.

Lakshmi said... [Reply]

Soup is lovely! and those two tomatoes on soup plate are good gymnasts.. :)

ST said... [Reply]

lovely and delicious soup uma......love the colour

Rosie said... [Reply]

A wonderful enrty Uma!! I can taste the tomatoes and basil from here mmm

Rosie x

Sunshinemom said... [Reply]

This is one is on my to do list for a very long time! I love the flavor of basil! Thumbs up:)

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