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Dec 10, 2008

Chocolate-Banana Delight

Chocolate-Banana Delight
Delicious combo of Chocolate and Banana - A Beverage

This is another milkshake that I prepared recently. If you want to slurp it warm for the cold winter, just replace cold milk with warm milk and omit ice cubes.


Ingredients: (Makes 2 servings)
  • 2 cups Fat Free Milk
  • 1 cup Ice Cubes (Optional)
  • ¼ cup Chocolate flavored Milk Powder
  • 1 Banana, ripe
  1. Place milk, ice, milk powder and banana in a blender. Blend until smooth.
  2. Pour into individual glasses and enjoy. This milkshake is best with breakfast.

Chocolate-Banana Delight

  • As this is a hit among my kids, I am sending this to Madhavi’s Celebrating Children's Day Event.
  • I am also sending another kid delight, “Pumpkin Cupcakes” that I posted earlier, to the same event. Click on the picture to read the recipe.

Pumpkin Cupcakes


Premyscakes said... [Reply]

Choco with banana, sounds yummy, feel like having a big sip, here it is very hot now. Every day i try different milk shakes, today i'll go for this.

Raks said... [Reply]

I too made this recently,similar to this one:)
Looks so cool!

Finla said... [Reply]

Chcoco and banana a classic and wonderful combination.
I still love that look and colour of you cupcake.

Lakshmi said... [Reply]

Banana and Chocolate is a delectable combination. Good One

Priya Suresh said... [Reply]

Delicious Shake...prefect combination..

Daily Meals said... [Reply]

Chocolate banana shake looks awesome...

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Perfect combination and delicious too.

Laavanya said... [Reply]

I love this combination and make it often.. haven't tried it warm though.

Unknown said... [Reply]

wow.. looks delicious.. nice combi UMA.. nice entry..

Cham said... [Reply]

May be little warm will work out for this cold winter days. Love choco drink!

Unknown said... [Reply]

woooooow uma anta doooramga yenduku vunnav mayinti pakkana vundachuga yenchakka oka glass naku dorikedi ammo chocolate choodatanike nooru ooru tundi yum yum yummy

notyet100 said... [Reply]

yummy entries for both the event,..;-)

Mahimaa's kitchen said... [Reply]

yummy yummy.. Californians can enjoy this drink during this season as well.. :)

Chandani said... [Reply]

this combination always works:)

Vanamala Hebbar said... [Reply]

delicious drink...

Usha said... [Reply]

Yummy combinations,looks fantastic:-)

Unknown said... [Reply]

drink looks great..i made a similar one long ago..yours looks delicious

Adlak's tiny world said... [Reply]

good combo... luv yr cackes. give me atleast a glass and a cup of cake.
check out my blog for something new and spl waiting for u to pick up in my IT'S TIME TO .. "THINK AND THANK" (100th POST).

lubnakarim06 said... [Reply]

Wow looks yummy. Love the shake.

Pavani said... [Reply]

both the items are yummy n mouthwatering..especially muffins colur is superab yaar..

Sharmi said... [Reply]

was wondering what to make out of 2 ripe bananas in my house. nice idea!!

Yasmeen said... [Reply]

Wish I could slurp the chocolaty delight right off the screen:)

Andhra Flavors said... [Reply]

maa vadiki milk shake este tagadu. e idea bavundi. choclate kalipi este tagestadu anukunta.

Jaishree Iyer said... [Reply]

Delicious Shake..looks awesome:-)muffins colur is superab & tempting...

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Lovely Uma....just perfect!

Srikitchen said... [Reply]

wow! that's a yummy delight!
join in the sweet event going in my blog!

AnuSriram said... [Reply]

Thats a wonderful idea! Ideal for hot summer!

Bharathy said... [Reply]

I love chocolate and banana too..the combo is simply awesome!!
Great drink!..will surely try!

Silvia - Magnolia Wedding Planner said... [Reply]

Umaaaaa those glasses of chocolate are amazing ! I wish I had one right now! :-) superb hun!

Cynthia said... [Reply]

I can just imagine how much the kids enjoyed it.

Beyond Curries said... [Reply]

I also prepare this for my son Uma, but I used 2% milk for him and I also add little Fiber one cereal. The cereal gives a nice crunch and texture to the smoothie. But I have not tried with fat free milk, will try it one of these days. Sometimes I also add dates soaked in hot water to this milkshake.

Jerri at Simply Sweet Home said... [Reply]

Your shakes look good. They're making me thirsty!

Sunshinemom said... [Reply]

My son loves this! Bananas and chocolate go really well! Nice pictures:)

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