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Mar 22, 2009

Pretty In Pink – Coconut Laddu

This is a simple coconut laddu, dressed in pretty pink. It’s like a snowy angel wearing a pink mask! Taste and beauty remained the same, just the apparel changed. I think it looked so cute in pink. Everyone at our home liked the color and the taste of these laddus. Here is an example: “At first my hubby clicked some pictures as soon as I made these. The pictures looked ok to me, but when I looked at them on the computer screen, they looked little dark. So I wanted to retake the pictures with some light and went for the laddus. I was amazed to find only 3 laddus were left (check the last picture)!! I was happy that everyone liked them, but sad that I couldn’t take some more pictures.”

Ingredients: (Makes 10 medium Laddus)

  • 3 cups desiccated Coconut (dry)
  • 2 cups Sugar (or less if semisweet is desired)
  • 1 tsp Ghee
  • ¼ cup Milk
  • ¼ cup slivered Almonds
  • ¼ tsp Cardamom Seeds
  • 2 drops of Red Food Color (Optional) (As I don’t have Pink Food Color on hand I used this)
  • A few Raisins


Heat ghee in a non-stick pan and add almonds along with cardamom and fry till almonds turn golden brown in color.

Add coconut + sugar + raisins and mix well. Keep stirring till coconut turns golden brown in color. Don’t let it burn too much. Keep the flame on med-low.

Add food color (if using) at this point and mix well so that coconut mixture is coated well.

Finally add milk and keep stirring until the mixture thickens and leaves the sides of the pan. Switch off the flame and let the coconut mixture cool down for a while just until it is easy to touch.

Note: Don’t let the coconut mixture cool completely as it hardens quickly and it will be difficult to roll into balls.

When it is just cool to touch take small portions and roll into a ball with hands. Place on a plate to dry.

Enjoy these delicious and pretty coconut laddus any time of the day! They make a perfect dessert.

This is my contribution to the following events:

  1. “Holi Hai”, hosted by Purva.

  2. FIC-Pink/Rose”, hosted by Priya. Food In Colors event is originally started by Harini.

  3. "Let’s go Nuts – Almonds”, hosted by JZ.

  4. "SWC-Meals on Wheels”, hosted by Lakshmi.

On a different note, a big thanks to Lakshmi and Anisheetu for the shower of awards. So sweet of you to think about me!


Deepthi Shankar said... [Reply]

wow love that color .. nice laddoos

Unknown said... [Reply]

realy they looks so pretty so beauliful uma yum yum too

Unknown said... [Reply]

Truely the ladoos are pretty and yummy!

Savi-Ruchi said... [Reply]

pretty looking laddus. I prepare a simple version of this using condensed milk :)

Pavani said... [Reply]

hi uma laadus chala chala bagaunaya...colur superab..

Priya Sriram said... [Reply]

Ladoos look very pretty Uma! Pink ladoos, my favourite colour! :D

Mahimaa's kitchen said... [Reply]

very cute laddoos uma.. who will not like these beauties..

Lakshmi said... [Reply]

Pretty laddos! can I have some?

sriharivatsan said... [Reply]

Hey that looks really awesome and very pretty...Superb..

notyet100 said... [Reply]

coconut laddos look cute....thy r my fav...

Shama Nagarajan said... [Reply]

wow..pretty ladoos...

Saritha said... [Reply]

Nice colour and lovely ladoos

Priya Suresh said... [Reply]

Pretty laddoos Uma, seems like u preparing specially for me...Thanks for sending to FIC!!

Divya Kudua said... [Reply]

Wow..the laddoos look really pretty Uma,I'm sure tasty as well..what more proof do you need than the missing laddoos in the last pic..;-)lol!!

Unknown said... [Reply]

wow.. looks yummy & sounds delicious..

Chutneytales said... [Reply]

These ladoos look so lovely..Nice entry :)

Daily Meals said... [Reply]

Beautiful laddoos...looks delicious...

Finla said... [Reply]

I love ladoos and the pink colour makes it more yumm.

A_and_N said... [Reply]

The laddoos look lovely :) If you had added one more slivered almond in the first pic, they'd have resembled easter bunny heads!

FH said... [Reply]

Very good looking Laddus, you could add some Beet juice to make it Pink naturally. Great entry! :)

Usha said... [Reply]

Pretty and lovely laddus !

Cilantro said... [Reply]

Yummy Laddus, Looks great.

Roshni said... [Reply]

looks like the coconut laddoos are blushing with all those compliments!!

Nice one!

Deepa Hari said... [Reply]

Yummy ladoos Uma...like the way u presented it.

Cham said... [Reply]

They are very pretty Uma. Adjust the color----> brightness/contrast and see the difference.

Lavanya said... [Reply]

nice color..yummy laddoos!!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

neat presentation! wait till my daughter sees pink laddoos. she will be ready to go home with u:-)

Unknown said... [Reply]

Cute laddoos!

Ashwini said... [Reply]

nice cute color of the laddoos. Nice entries.

Pavithra Kodical said... [Reply]

Love this pink colour laddoo..Nice click too :)

Gita Jaishankar said... [Reply]

Thats a delicous laddu Uma with all its lovely pink color, yum :)

Nandinis food said... [Reply]

Pinkish laddoos look lovely! I love laddoos made with coconut! The first laddoo in the first picture...is it for me? Because it looks ready to jump and pop out of my computer screen! :D

Anonymous said... [Reply]

lovely colour... looks yumm :)

Pooja said... [Reply]

Love the color uma..laddoos chala bagunnayi..

karuna said... [Reply]

tht is sooo yummy. I love anything with coconut.

Poornima Nair said... [Reply]

The ladoos look really pretty...very tempting.

Raks said... [Reply]

Thats indeed pretty ,esp the first pic with almond slices looks like diyas!!

suvi said... [Reply]

these must be yummy, I make coconut burfi in much the same way. Try flavouring it with some rose essence, it is really lovely!

Sanghi said... [Reply]

Mmm uma lovely delicous recipe dear..! I'm craving and drooling over them. Click is magnificient too.. :)

Purva Desai said... [Reply]

They are cute pinky coconut ladoos....awesome click Uma.
Thank you for the lovely pinky entry for the event :)

vandana rajesh said... [Reply]

Yummy ladoos. Have to make some with the school holidays going on:)

Premyscakes said... [Reply]

wow, lovely ladoos, love the color, looking quite different nd cute.

AnuSriram said... [Reply]

Lovely Ladoos! nice colour..

Vani said... [Reply]

They sure look pretty, Uma!

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Wow,Laddu looks yummy and pretty in pink.

Sum Raj said... [Reply]

wht a pretty colour..looks yummy uma..

Varsha Vipins said... [Reply]

They are so pretty n cute Uma..Pass me some..would love to pop into mouth..:)

Beyond Curries said... [Reply]

First I thought it was the cranberry laddu you had posted it earlier. Looks good Uma.

Madhavi said... [Reply]

Oh lovely laddu, cute and pretty. Greatttt presentation too!!!

Simply Innocence said... [Reply]

Looks innovative and creative for making this laddu.

Gopi Shah said... [Reply]

So lovely color!! indeed perfect dessert for anytime of the day

Archy said... [Reply]

Nice color of the ladoos.. perfect sweet !!

Andhratreat said... [Reply]

looks cute.....

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