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Mar 26, 2009

Rice Krispies Chat

Rice Krispies Chat
A guilt-free and yummy snack

Here is another simple and delicious chat that makes a perfect afternoon snack. This is so instant if you have some rice krispies cereal in your pantry. This is a healthy option for a fat-free snack.

This is how I prepare it:

  • 1 cup Rice Krispies Cereal
  • ¼ cup roasted, husked Peanuts (I used Planters Peanuts)
  • ¼ cup Onions, chopped fine
  • 1 tsp Lemon Juice
  • ¼ cup slivered Almonds
  • A handful of Cilantro, chopped fine
  • ½ tsp red Chili Powder
  • Salt to taste
  1. Just mix all the ingredients and enjoy with a hot cup of tea/coffee or just like that.
  2. This is a healthy snack for any time of the day.
  3. It is that simple! :)

Rice Krispies Chat
A closure look


Unknown said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadi to you and your family uma chat looks so crisp and yum yum

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadi :)
and this is such an easy and delicious recipe... love the addition of almonds :)

jayasree said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadhi to you and your family, Uma.
Chat looks crisp and its healthy too. Liked almonds in it.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

hey u have wonderful recipes perfect to send to my event...y dont u have a look here and send one ?

reader lo add chesesukunna...malla vachestha :D

Saritha said... [Reply]

Happy ugadi to and to ur family uma,have a great day.....

Sanghi said... [Reply]

Mmm Delicious snack..! Happy Ugadi..!

Priya Sriram said... [Reply]

Inviting snack Uma! Wonderful click!

Pooja said... [Reply]

Delicious snack uma..Wish you and your family a happy ugadi..

Raks said... [Reply]

Chat sounds good and happy Ugadi!

Chutneytales said... [Reply]

Thats a very good snack recipe..
Happy Ugadi !

Finla said... [Reply]

I love that you used rice chrispes, chat looks so yumm.

Premyscakes said... [Reply]

looks very crunchy and yummy.
Happy ugadi to your family.

FH said... [Reply]

Yummy! I make Bhelpuri with rice crispies too! :)

Rajitha said... [Reply]

mmm..yummy! i may land up overeating this tho..peanuts are my fav!!

A_and_N said... [Reply]

Nice idea to use rice krispies :) We always end up buying mamra at the Indian store. The chaat looks gooooood :)

Usha said... [Reply]

Chaat with rice krispies sounds yum!

Sia said... [Reply]

wishing u and ur loved ones a very happy Ugadi :)

Chandani said... [Reply]

chaat looks yumm....will be making this for my afternoon snack today:)

Sujatha said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadhi! Nice and east chat!

Medhaa said... [Reply]

Very innovative, and sounds yumm. Lovely idea

Cham said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadi to u and ur loved one
That is a guilt free and quick snack!

Dori said... [Reply]

Quick, easy and very yummy :)

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Slurp!! Uma, I love the pcitures, they show detail and its making me **HUNGRY**!

Thanks for you enthusiastic participation in Lets go nuts : almonds.

Deepa Hari said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadhi Uma....chat looks simple and delicious...nice clicks.

Srivalli said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadi Uma...looking fwd to check out your spread!..:)

Priya Suresh said... [Reply]

Happy ugadi Uma..

Prefect entry for the events, SImple n delicios also very tempting snacks..

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadi to you and your family uma.
Chat looks so tempting.

AnuSriram said... [Reply]

Thats very innovative uma.. Looks tempting!

Poornima Nair said... [Reply]

Wow...that looks scrumptious...very tempting.

Pavani said... [Reply]

Wish you and your family a very Happy Ugadhi Uma.

Vibaas said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadi dear! Chaat looks yum.

Savi-Ruchi said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadi & they look awesome dear

vidhas said... [Reply]

Happy Yugadi Uma. Can we use Pori which we will use for bhel.Looks yum.

Red Chillies said... [Reply]

Nice recipe. Hope you had a great Ugadi Uma.

Gita Jaishankar said... [Reply]

Happy Ugadi Uma! This is such a delicious and easy chat, thanks dear :)

Mahimaa's kitchen said... [Reply]

oh that's a very healthy snack.. looks great uma.

Madhu's cooking gallery said... [Reply]

chat looks yummy! love the idea to add almonds! healthy one too!

Pavithra Kodical said... [Reply]

Healthy chat Uma..Love to try this.

Anonymous said... [Reply]

Very nice Uma. Healthy and yummy!

Melisser; the Urban Housewife said... [Reply]

This looks very good, but be careful with Planters peanuts, they are not vegetarian because they have gelatin.

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Thanks for dropping by! Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Hope to see you again! -Uma

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