I really have done a great thing by stepping into the blogger world. Or else how could I make so many lovely friends? I was showered with awards many times and I am so glad and thankful about it. Now it’s time again for some awards and tags.
Dear Lavi of Home Cook’s Recipes passed the “Yummy Blog Award”. Thank you for your sweet gesture Lavi!

Dear Mriganayani passed the Honest Scrap Award that came with a tag. Thank you for the award Mriganayani!
The rules of this tag are:
1. Please list 10 honest things about yourself.
2. Please put a copy of The Honest Scrap Logo on your blog. You will have to select at least 7 other worthy bloggers & list their links
3. Please notify the bloggers of the award and hopefully they will follow these three guidelines too.
I have done a similar tag before. Please check here: I’ve Been Tagged Again!
Dear Hari Chandana of Indian Cuisine passed the Kreativ Blogger Award, Scrumptious Blog, and a Tag. Thanks for everything Hari Chandana!

Here is the tag:
- A – Available/Single? No
- B – Best friend? My Hubby
- C – Cake or Pie? Cake
- D – Drink of choice? Mango Juice
- E – Essential item you use every day? Computer
- F – Favorite color? Green
- G – Gummy Bears Or Worms? None
- H – Hometown? Nellore, AP
- I – Indulgence? None
- J – January or February? February
- K – Kids & their names? Two girls – Chaitrika, Pratheeka
- L – Life is incomplete without? Happiness and Satisfaction
- M – Marriage date? June 8
- N – Number of siblings? 4
- O – Oranges or Apples? Both
- P – Phobias/Fears? Darkness
- Q – Quote for today? Be happy and make others happy
- R – Reason to smile? My Family
- S – Season? Spring
- T – Tag 4 People? Yes, more than 4
- U – Unknown fact about me? Not sure
- V – Vegetable you don't like? Broccoli
- W – Worst habit? Procrastinating
- X – X-rays you've had? In childhood
- Y – Your favorite food? Noodles and Chapathis
- Z – Zodiac sign? Virgo
I would like to pass the awards and the tags to:
Last but not the least, I am so happy to get a beautiful and sweet award from dear Sanghi on the occasion of her century post. She passed the Diamond Friends Award. Thank you so much for the thoughtful award dear!

Congrats & thanks a ton.....to remember me.
Congratulations on all your well deserving awards!!
I loved the names of your kids..beautiful :)
Thank you for sharing your awards with me, you are very generous, thanks once again !!
Congrats on the awards and nice to know more about you :)
Congragulations. Wow no indulgence, why am I not like you ;-)
Congrats on all your awards Uma...nice reading about you dear...I like the names of your girls :)
Congrats on the awards uma..!
Congrats Uma, u truly deserve everything..
My hearty congratulations on achieving all these awards. Good to know little more about you
Cheers-Nature Lover
Your daughters have lovely names!!
Congrads on award's Uma!!
............a big hug and Congrata to u uma.......nice to see loads of awards............ I have voted for ur dosa.....best of luck dear
Congrats on the awards and thank you for thinking of me :)
Congrats on all ur awards & thanks a ton.....to remember me.
I have voted for ur dosa...Best of luck...
congrats n ur awards dear..
Congratulations on your awards Uma. It was nice knowing more about you. Honest Scrap has missed out the letter S from Scrap :)
Congrats on ur awards and thanx a lot for thinking of me....
Thanks a lot uma for ur thinkg about me..........I'm so..surprised by it...it's my first award....thankyou
Congrats, Uma:)on all the awards!Thanks for passing it on to me..
Congrats uma..n thanks a ton for passing on..:)..have done it before thogh..:)
..n I loved ur kid's names..:)
Congrats on ur awards :)
Congrats on your awards and nice to know about you.
Congrats on your awards and nice to know about you.
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Thanks for dropping by! Your comments and suggestions are most welcome. Hope to see you again! -Uma