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Apr 24, 2011

7-Cup Sweet

7-Cup Sweet

This is a delicious sweet prepared by Soujanya, who is my cousin and also a good friend. She makes many varieties of yummy recipes. I tasted most of them at her house and they tasted so good. This is one such sweet that I immediately fell in love with and asked for the recipe. Thanks for sharing this yummy sweet recipe with a beautiful picture Soujanya!! 

Here is the recipe in her own words:

  • 1 cup Chickpea Flour (శనగపిండి, Besan)
  • 1 cup Milk
  • 1 cup fresh grated Coconut
  • 1 cup Ghee
  • 2 - 3 cups sugar (depending on individual taste).

  1. Pour all the ingredients in a pan and cook it on medium to low heat. 
  2. Keep stirring until the batter becomes thick. 
  3. When it starts to leave the sides of the pan, take it out and pour it into a greased plate. 
  4. Cut it into pieces before it completely cools down. 
  5. Let it cool down completely and enjoy!


Archy said... [Reply]

Wow, my mom used to make this sweet.. love it.. looks so yummy !!

chef and her kitchen said... [Reply]

I love this sweet....looks really yumm

Beau @ SomethingEdible.com said... [Reply]

I've got a bag of chickpea flour that doesn't get near the time out of the pantry that it should. I've never thought to use it for something sweet; thanks for the inspiration!

Farida said... [Reply]

That 7 cup look so realy sweet hope can make it soon, thanks for share.


Suganya said... [Reply]

WoW, My mom-in-law used to make this... This is my fav. Looks so good. YUM!

Prathima Rao said... [Reply]

Mom used to make this rich & delicious sweet but then its been a long time now..Looking at this reminds me of how much I enjoyed having them...Thx for this post..Will try it out soon!!!
Prathima Rao
Prats Corner

Suja Manoj said... [Reply]

Mouthwatering sweet,delicious

kittymatti said... [Reply]

delcious!! yumm yumm...

divya said... [Reply]

Wow...Mouthwatering sweet,delicious and yummy..

Pavani said... [Reply]

tempting 7cup sweet..bookmarked it..

Priya Suresh said... [Reply]

Those 7cup sweets looks delicious,kudos to ur cousin..

Unknown said... [Reply]

wow, that 7 cup sweet surely looks sinful and mouth watering :)

lubnakarim06 said... [Reply]

Wow...that look 7 star recipe...yum...

Jayanthy Kumaran said... [Reply]

Hy Uma,
Amazing blog you have..really am wondering how I missed your space this much time..
lovely recipe collection with great clicks..:)
Am your newest follower now..
do stop by mine sometime..
Tasty Appetite

Sravanthi said... [Reply]

I have heard about this recipe many years back and again your post bought those memories back. Will try this recipe for sure. Thanks for sharing

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